Hello!I’m Colorist Anna from Singapore!Hello!シンガポールのカラーリストAnnaです!
Today, it’s going to be the color version continued from yesterday.Let me show you a picture of yesterday’s hairstyle.
You have learned the kind of hairstyle that matches your ideal atmosphere right?
hair color is the same.If she always wears a soft casual, but her hair is very strong colored …
It’s not a good balance.良いバランスとはいえません。
Of course, you can mix and match whatever you like.Just check if it’s far from the image of the woman you want to be…
This time, I have distributed the hair color designs!
How was it?いかがですか?
Of course styling is important too.Even in the same color, the texture is different, but it may look soft and hard sometimes.
Soft It better suits a design that doesn’t feel much contrast than a color design that emphasize the color.
ソフト 透け感のある柔らかな質感。主張のあるカラーデザインより、コントラストをあまり感じないデザインが向いている。
Cool I recommend a color design with no extreme contrast overall, but a point-accented color design is a good fit.The fluffy texture is not good.
クール 全体的にコントラストが激しくないカラーデザインがお勧め。ただし、ポイントにアクセントのあるカラーデザインは向いている。フワフワな質感はNG。
Cute I recommend colors with color saturation that is not too strong and beige that is not too dull.Color design with less extreme contrast is recommended.
キュート 色が強すぎない彩度のあるカラーや、あまりくすみすぎないベージュカラーがお勧め。コントラストがあまり激しくないカラーデザインがお勧め。
Hard I recommend low brightness or high brightness. The color is solid and there is no problem. It’s not a half-finished color, but a vivid color design.
ハード 低明度か高明度がお勧め。彩度はしっかりあって問題はない。中途半端なカラーではなく、メリハリのあるカラーデザインが向いている。
Of course, there are a lot of styles and colors that I couldn’t put here because of the infinite design.
But if you have an atmosphere that you want to be…
I think it helped a lot to you
see you tomorrow!それではまた!
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Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/colors_hair_salon_singapore/
288 RIVER VALLEY ROAD #01-01 SINGAPORE 238329 Tel 6235 0226/SMS 9736 1770
Open 10:00-19:00 (last appointment color 17:00/cut 18:00)